
Summer Cup 2024

19 - 21. July 2024.
Turracher Höhe


Styrian Orienteering Federation

Form of competition

International 3-day Orienteering Event, single races with overall results.
First stage will be sprint distance the two other stages middle distance races on a very nice and challenging alm terrain.

Competition center

Talstation der Kornnockbahn
Turracherhöhe 178, 8864 Turracherhöhe
Beside of the main entrance.

GPS: 46.9225903,13.8698064

On Saturday and Sunday by bad weather we can go inside, and we can use also the WC-s there, but only without spikes!! On Friday the Sation is only till 17:30 open! 


M/W 12, 14, 15-18, 19A, 19B, 35, 45, 55, 65, M75
- Open for Beginners, Open for Advanced

Competition comitee:

Direktor and course setter: Viktor Hites


Friday, 19. July 2024
Sprint distance

Saturday, 20. July 2024
Middle distance

Sunday, 21. July 2024

Middle distance

First starts

1. day: 17:00, 2. day: 14:00, 3. day 11:00

Distance to the Starts from the event center on the orange signs

1. day: 1200m/90 m, 2. day: 1600m/50m, 3. day: 1000m/70m

Distance back from the finish to the event center for readout

1. day: 1000m, 2. day: 1600m, 3. day 250m


Along the main 95 Road northern from the big Lake, please take care that you are using only the public parking places!!! At the privat parking places and on the side of the street at the north-east side of the lake is booking the police!

Entry fees on the venue

-M/W18: 9 EUR/person/day
M/W21-: 18 EUR/person/day
Open for Beginners: 6 EUR/person/day
Open für Advanced: 12 EUR/person/day


SportIdent-System with SI-Air will be used. Please state your SI-number when entering for the competition. Chips can be rented in the competition center for 1 EUR/day for normal chips and 2 EUR/day for SI-Air+ chips. No rental fee for under 14s.


If you did not payed per bank, in cash at the competition center. 

Entry for the vakant places:

  • e-mail:


All three stages will be organised on a realy nice and challening alm terrain, with many marshy meadows.


1. day Turracher Höhe Mitte, 1: 5000/5m
2. day Turracher Höhe Süd, 1:5000/5m
3. day Turracher Höhe Nord, 1:5000/5m
All maps will be newly made or revised in 2024.


Gift prizes for the winners of each category on all 3 stages by the event center. The first 3 places in each category of the overall ranking will be rewarded with medals and non-cash prizes. The winners receive trophies.


Viktor Hites Tel: +436504312494 e-mail:

Our Partners
OLC Graz
Kornnockbahn Turracher Höhe

Further information

  • All started runners have to report back in the finish, even if they have given up.
  • Any commercial activities during the competition are subject to permission of the organizers.
  • Each participant starts at their own risk!
  • Each participant agrees to the publication of photos taken during the competition and to the publication of the results in the Internet.

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